Grav - A Modern Flat-File CMS | Grav CMS
Grav is a Modern, Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy and Amazingly Powerful Flat-File CMS.
ドキュメントルート配下の任意フォルダにインストール(/home/sakura-user/www がドキュメントルート)
## Begin RewriteBase
# If you are getting 500 or 404 errors on subpages, you may have to uncomment the RewriteBase entry
# You should change the '/' to your appropriate subfolder. For example if you have
# your Grav install at the root of your site '/' should work, else it might be something
# along the lines of: RewriteBase /<your_sub_folder>
RewriteBase /any-directory/grav-admin/
## End - RewriteBase
以上で、 へのアクセスでGravのトップページが表示され、画面遷移もできる。